Elevator Reservation Form

** You will have the elevator for 3 hours from the time chosen above.

The following pertains to the elevator for the moving of Furniture and/or Appliances or other large objects or building materials.

No furniture, large appliance or large fixture may be moved in or out of the building without the consent of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, assisted by your Property Managers, will assist with booking the elevator and ensuring the protecting wall coverings are in place prior to use of the elevator cab for delivery.

A minium of three (3) business days notice is required to make sure that the necessary arrangements have been made. There will be only one move allowed per day as there is only one (1) elevator to service the entire building. No moving is permitted on Sundays or holidays.

The approved hours for Elevator Bookings are:

Monday through Saturday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Please Note: Owners are liable for any and all damages caused to the common elements by themselves, their trades, or their tenants during their move/delivery. Any costs incurred to repair or replace the common elements following their booking will result in a charge-back to the unit owner for collection in the same manner as monthly condominium fees.

I (person) signed below have read the above information pertaining to use of the elevator and agree to follow the rules governing such use as set out in the Rules and Regulations of the Condominium Corporation.