Tag Archives: CAO
Navigating the unknown in communal living
Defining an emergency in a pandemic is a new scenario for seasoned managers As published on CondoBusiness Wednesday, April 29, 2020 By Kirsten Dale and Debbie Dale At the start of the pandemic, hurdles instantly arose with a rock-solid hardness that hit condominium managers and their clients like brick walls. The Annual General Meeting schedules […]
New! Government Emergency Order for Condo Meetings
On April 24, 2020, the Government of Ontario enacted additional measures to support condominium corporations during the COVID-19 pandemic with amendments to Emergency Order O. Reg. 107/20. The Emergency Order is in effect province-wide and retroactive to March 17, 2020 (the day the order came into effect) and now includes amendments to: Permit corporations governed […]
CCI-N 2018 Fall Leaders’ Forum
The 2018 CCI-N Fall Leader’s Forum wraps up today in London, Ontario and tomorrow will see the 1st Annual CCI National Conference (also to be held in London). This year’s Conference program has centered on mental health in condo communities, a fascinating subject with many considerations for condominium professionals and owners. For more information on […]
Analysis: Who should bear the costs of condo manager licensing?
Recently MCRS company president, Debbie Dale, undertook an analysis for Condo Business Magazine pertaining to condo manager licensing fees. With the enhancement of the Condominium Act and the introduction of the Condominium Management Services Act, Ontario condo owners, condo managers and management firms are facing new expenses that fall outside of existing budgets. Check out the […]
CAO Notice of Fees for Condo Corporations
The CAO (Condominium Authority of Ontario) has finalized their fees for Corporations and a summary of information is available (as of today!) on their website (see link below). The initial estimation of cost per condo suite to fund the Authority was $1/suite/month. We are glad to see the original estimation was accurate for the initial […]