Tag Archives: cci

Managing and Rule Enforcement

“Thou shalt not” is a confrontational approach that is contrary to achieving harmonious use of common elements, however the line in the sand is just that to preserve the rights of all owners. An owner recently asked me for a “peace treaty” as if a breach of the Condominium Act and an attempt by management […]

CCI Huronia’s Summer 2021 Condo Buzz: “Community Safety”

The latest edition of CCI Huronia’s “Condo Buzz” newsletter is out now. MCRS President and CCI Huronia Chapter President, Debbie Dale, has written an inspiring President’s Message to help get us into summer mode! President’s Message As we embrace the fantastic northern Ontario summer weather, landscape and opportunities for travel and adventure, this is a […]

CCI Huronia’s Spring 2021 Condo Buzz: “Beyond Covid-19”

The latest edition of CCI Huronia’s “Condo Buzz” newsletter is out now. MCRS President and CCI Huronia Chapter President, Debbie Dale, has written an inspiring President’s Message to help keep us smiling as we wind our way out of the Covid-doldrums. Presidents Message Springing forward into life after COVID 19 (C-19) hits our minds like […]

CCI-N 2018 Fall Leaders’ Forum

The 2018 CCI-N Fall Leader’s Forum wraps up today in London, Ontario and tomorrow will see the 1st Annual CCI National Conference (also to be held in London). This year’s Conference program has centered on mental health in condo communities, a fascinating subject with many considerations for condominium professionals and owners. For more information on […]

2017 CCI/ACMO Condo Conference (Toronto)

Celebrating it’s 21st year since inception, the annual CCI/ACMO Condo Conference will be held this Friday and Saturday at the Toronto Congress Centre. New to condos? Serving as a Board Director for your Condominium Corporation? Just curious to hear about all of the recent changes in condo world? Registration remains open for new attendees to […]

Bill 106 – Legislative Changes Seminar: Part 1 (May 17/17)

Interested in the changes coming to condo world with the new legislature? This upcoming session offered by CCI Huronia is a perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with the changes to come. Registration is open now but limited! Contact to register.